Chapter Three “Reaching the Sky”How I managed to rise from the ground and now feel like I’m touching the sky. Gallery At our WeddingJesús Omar Avila VargasArturo Galaviz, Eugenio Diaz, Abel, Samuel, René, Julian Carlos, José Alfredo, Juan José, Juan Carlos, Luis, David.With Jassiel RomeroWith cousins Juan Gtz, Joaquin Gtz, Ricardo, The priestWith my beautiful familyGrandfather with his grandchildren in modern timesEliseo Romero AElizabeth Moreno A. and Margarita Avila GtzEloisa Avila Nava and Pascuala Avila NavaElsa Gtz.Rdgez and Paula Gtz.RdgzFamily Avila GomezFidela Avila N. and Maria AdameFlora Avila N, Sirenia Maldonado A, Josafat Gomez, Albino MaldonadoFrancisca Gtz. RodrigezFrancisca Gutierrez RodriguezHilaria Gtz .RdgezIsrael Romero A.Jesus Omar Avila V. and my grandson Jesus MichelJesus Omar Avila Vargas and my granddaughter IvannaJorge luis Leyva B, Juan Carlos Moreno, José Juan GilJosé Avila N.Juan Avila N, Juana Gtz. Rdgez,Angela Avila Gtz, Marycruz Avila Gtz, Norberto Avila Gtz, Margarita, Delfina, José, Ricardo, Roberta PaulaMargarita Avila GMaria Del Refugio Rodriguez NuñezMy first carMónica Gómez BasilioNorberto, Nepthali, Augusto, Nissel, PaulaNorma Vianey M.Timoteo Avila N.Mr. Juan Avila NavaMr. Felix Avila NavaThe last photo I took of my Beloved Wife while she was alive. Monica Gomez Basilio and Alma Delia Gomez BasilioMr.Jose Avila NavaJ. Guadalupe Avila Gutierrez